River Basin Adaptation Conference: Nova Gorica, Slovenia, 7-8 March 2017.
There is an urgent need for adaptation plans to outline how individual river basins can prepare for the impacts of climate change and other pressures. The development of successful adaptation strategies needs to involve both regional and local stakeholders. The River Basin Adaptation Conference will be a practice-oriented conference with a strong science base, with the aim to share experiences and identify best-practices on science-society interactions for river basin management and climate change adaptation.
The River Basin Adaptation Conference consists of a conference day and a field trip. The conference day will be dedicated to sharing experiences on science-society interactions as developed within the BeWater project and other initiatives. The conference day will include keynote speeches, presentations and interactive sessions on best practices on how to adapt river basin management to climate change, while involving society.
The conference language will be English. A detailed programme and a call for abstracts will be published on 15 September 2016.
Visit http://bewaterproject.eu/ for more information and subscribe to the RBA Conference updates to get the latest news straight in your inbox.