Preparation and Provision of Expert Bases for Implementing the Flood Directive (2007/60/EC)

The method and content for preparing maps of flood risks and maps of classes of flood risks are prescribed by the Rules on Methodology to Define Flood Risk Areas and Erosion Areas Connected to Floods and Classification of Plots into Risk Classes (Official Gazette of the RS, No. 60/2007) and the Decree on Establishment of Flood Risk Management Plans (Official Gazette of the RS, No. 7/2010).

Maps of flood risks cover the geographical areas that could be flooded according to the following scenarios:

1. floods with a low probability or extreme event scenarios,

2. floods with a medium probability (1%),

3. floods with a high probability, where appropriate.

For each scenario from the above paragraph, the following data must be shown:

1. the floodplain,

2. water depths or water level, as appropriate,

3. where appropriate, the flow velocity or the relevant flow.

The preparation of maps of flood risks for coastal areas where an adequate level of protection has been established, or for areas where flooding is due to groundwater, shall be limited to the scenario from the first indent of the second paragraph of this article.


About the Project


Expert bases for determining the priorities of the Republic of Slovenia in the field of environment and efficient use of resources and identification of the themes that are most suitable for co-financing from the LIFE program

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Remote sensing of large river hydromorphological characteristics and impact assessment on biotic communities

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