BeWater (FP7)

Making society an active participant in water adaptation to global change

The BeWater project is being implemented under the 7th Framework Programme of the European Union as part of the Science in Society initiative. The BeWater project promotes dialogue and collaboration between science and society for sustainable water management and adaptation to climate change in the Mediterranean.

In regard to decision-making processes in water management, the project partners include both scientists and other interested stakeholders associated with four pilot river basins across the Mediterranean (Slovenia, Spain, Cyprus and Tunisia). We are determining climate change challenges in these four pilot river basins along with water management options. Stakeholders use the information collected in this way to participate in the formation of climate change adaptation plans for their regions. In Slovenia, project activities are being carried out at the Vipava River basin, which was chosen for its numerous hydrological, morphological and biological pressures and pollution.

Within BeWater project two Policy Briefs will be produced during the project in order to disseminate project results through policy. Policy Brief no. 1 was published in April 2016 including three key messages based on water management options, analysis of existing river basin adaptation plans and policies relating to global change. At the end of the project the second Policy Brief will be published and it will contain summary of main project outcomes, the last policy review and policy recommendations.

Link to Additional Content

  2. Current content at the IWRS website:



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