Extension of the DeFishGear Project
We were notified in early December 2015 by the IPA Adriatic Programme that the DeFishGear project (Derelict fishing gear management system in the Adriatic region) has been extended to September 2016. The DeFishGear project was conceived in response to the lack of knowledge and understanding of marine litter. Its objective is to gain scientific insight into the types and quantities of marine litter and their adverse impacts in order to influence the formulation of policies for active reduction and prevention of pollution of the Adriatic Sea. Seven countries participate in the project, which is headed by the National Institute of Chemistry. You can stay informed regarding the project here.
Upon completion of the project, the Adriatic region will have its first assessment of marine litter on the basis of the data collected and the measures implemented by the project partners in pilot areas. The project will significantly improve knowledge of micro-plastics pollution and its effects on marine life.
The reasons why the project was extended to September 2016:
– targeted communication that will present the issue to the general public. By extending the project, it will be possible to communicate key information to the media immediately before as well as during the summer season.
– the extra time will improve the quality of discussions with stakeholders and key stakeholders on the results of the project and their use upon the project’s completion. This will contribute to the development of policies.
– the extension will help in the development and upgrading of database tools used for data analysis.
– during the extension, scientific articles will be published in reputable scientific journals.
– we will perform several samplings in the field to gain a more detailed insight into the distribution and occurrence of marine litter.
– a more precise analysis of micro-plastic samples will produce more reliable data on how they impact health.
– the extension will allow us to strengthen cooperation with the participating fishermen and at the same time encourage the inclusion of new ones in the Fishing for Litter and the Derelict Fishing Gear systems.