IWRS participates in the CRP project “Our food, countryside and natural resources in 2022”.
The IWRS laboratory has all the equipment necessary to carry out sampling and field measurements of water, chemical analyses of water and micro-plastics analyses.
Notable laboratory equipment:
- Two ZEISS StereoDiscovery V8 stereomicroscopes with magnification up to 100x
- A StereoDiscovery stereomicroscope equipped with a camera and software for automatic image analysis and two lenses
- A PerkinElmer FT-IR spectrometer with an UATR accessory
- A YSI photometer for chemical analyses of water
- A YSI multiparameter sonde for measuring the oxygen, conductivity, temperature and pH of water in the field
- Chemical analyses of water
- Analyses of micro-plastics in water, sediments and organisms
- Chemical identification of material using the FT-IR spectrometer