IWRS participates in the CRP project “Our food, countryside and natural resources in 2022”.
Name: | Miha | |
Surname: | Knehtl | |
Research title: |
Junior researcher
Assistent |
Education: | B. Sc. Educational Biology and History; B. Sc. Economy | |
Sector: | Sector for Fresh Waters | |
T: | +386 (0)1 4775 332 | |
E: |
Field of work:
River hydromorphology, ecology of river ecosystems, remote sensing.
Short Biography:
- 2014 (in progress), Interdisciplinary doctoral study program; University of Ljubljana; Biotechnical Faculty, Biology
- 2006 -2012, Educational biology and history, University of Maribor, Faculty of natural sciences and mathematics, Department for Biology
- 2001–2006, Economy, University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business
- since 2014, Institute for Water of the Republic of Slovenia
- 2012–2013, Prva gimnazija Maribor
- Remote sensing of large river hydromorphological characteristics and identification of stressor impacts on benthic macroinvertebrate and fish assemblages in Slovenian large rivers (ARRS);
- Monitoring of the river ecosystem on water licence area on the river Soča; Contracting authority: SENG; 2016-2018;
- Study for definition of the ecological flow for water abstraction on the river Hudinja for Cinkarna Celje according to 8. article of the Decree on criteria for determination and on the mode of monitoring and reporting of ecologically acceptable flow; Contracting authority: Cinkarna Celje; 3/2016-2/2017;
- V1-1427; Water status elements at defining the ecologically acceptable flow; research project, financed by Slovenian Research Agency, Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, and Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food; 7/2014-6/2016;
- Methodology for the assessment of the ecological potential of reservoirs based on phytoplankton and benthic invertebrates; determination of the maximum ecological potential; Contracting authority: Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning; 2016.
Other expertises and skills:
- Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint)
- Statistics software: SPSS, Canoco and R
- ArcGis (Esri); Courses: ArcGIS desktop II – Essential Workflows and ArcGIS desktop III – Performing Analysis
Selected publications:
- Urbanič, G., Petkovska, V., Smolar-Žvanut, N., Anzeljc, D., Knehtl, M., Podgornik, S., Tavčar, T., Semrajc, B., Avdič, Mravlje, E., Jenič, A., Ivenčnik, M. 2015. Študija vpliva predvidenega odvzema vode za malo hidroelektrarno (MHE) na reki Radoljni na ekološko stanje. Ljubljana: Inštitut za vode Republike Slovenije. 75 pp.
- Urbanič, G., Smolar-Žvanut, N., Pavlin Urbanič, M., Kosi, G., Podgornik, S., Petkovska, V., Anzeljc, D., Blumauer, S., Čarf, M., Đurović, B., Eleršek, T., Hrovat, M., Jenič, A., Knehtl, M., Kolman, G., Krivograd-Klemenčič, A., Mohorko, T., Rebolj, D., Šiling, R., Zakrajšek, J., Zelnik, I. 2016. Elementi stanja voda pri določanju ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka: Končno poročilo za raziskovalni projekt št. V1-1427 v okviru Ciljnega raziskovalnega programa “Zagotovimo.si hrano za jutri”. Ljubljana: Inštitut za vode Republike Slovenije. 255 pp.
- Urbanič, G., Petkovska, V., Šiling, R., Knehtl, M., Dolinar, N., Kuhar, U., Remec-Rekar, Š., Rotar, B., Sever, M., Eleršek, T., Francé, J., Kosi, G., Mavrič, B., Orlando-Bonaca, M., Germ, M., Gaberščik, A., Podgornik, S. 2015. Tipologija umetnih in močno preoblikovanih vodnih teles, ki so določena s Pravilnikom o vodnih telesih površinskih voda (Ur. l. RS 63/05, 26/06, 32/11) : priprava in zagotovitev strokovnih podlag za izvajanje vodne direktive (2000/60/ES): poročilo o realizaciji naloge I/1/18. Inštitut za vode Republike Slovenije. 94 pp.