The Institute for Water designs practical water management solutions for public institutions
and companies.
These solutions are based on studies and allow long-term good water status.

Latest news

Successful end of the project SPARE (Strategic Planning for Alpine Riverine Ecosystems)

From 2016 to 2018, nine project partners from six different Alpine countries had been working together to improve river management and better integrate and balance various human activities with ecosystem conservation. A lot of methods and practices have been analysed, further developed and applied as “adapted models” in SPARE’s five pilot areas: Dora Baltea in Italy, Drôme in France, Inn-Engadine in Switzerland, Soča in Slovenia and Steyr in Austria. The mutual exchange of data, knowledge and experiences in the pilot areas as well as the monitoring and evaluation of these processes feed into common strategies and guidelines.


Water borders do not exist. The Institute for Water collaborates and shares knowledge in
numerous cross-border projects.
We frequently cooperate with institutions from other European countries.


The Institute for Water provides a wide variety of efficient water management solutions
for institutions and the economy.

Expert bases for determining the priorities of the Republic of Slovenia in the field of environment and efficient use of resources and identification of the themes that are most suitable for co-financing from the LIFE program

In the framework of the project task, we prepared guidelines on the thematic priorities from the Multi-annual LIFE work program for the period 2014–2017 in the priority area Environment and efficient use of resources, and Environmental management and information for Lot 1: water, including the marine environment. The thematic priorities...

Remote sensing of large river hydromorphological characteristics and impact assessment on biotic communities

The project’s aim is to identify and compare impacts of different stressors (hydromorphological alterations, pollution, land use), acting on different spatial scales (reach, segment, catchment), on benthic macroinvertebrate and fish communities in Slovenian large rivers, as well as to analyse the comparability between field survey and remote sensing based hydromorphological...



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Einspielerjeva ulica 6,
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

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